Barnet Federated GPs

Chronic Cough Trial

Alcohol Use Disorder Clinical Trials

Your GP practice in Collaboration with Accellacare believes it is appropriate that you are aware of the possibility of participation in clinical trials.

Accellacare is a global clinical research network focused on increasing patient recruitment and retention with a patient-centric approach and dedicated to conducting clinical trials.

All our clinical trials are registered and approved in the UK by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) and an independent ethics committee to ensure the protection of the rights and wellbeing of all patient volunteers.

If you suffer from AUD and have a desire to reduce or stop drinking, then one of our clinical trials may be suitable for you.

We are currently enrolling volunteers to take part in our clinical trials assessing the effectiveness of an investigational medication for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder.

Eligible participants may:

  • Have the results of any additional investigations undertaken with the results also forwarded to their GP. 
  • Have their travel costs reimbursed.
  • Help future generations with new treatments by contributing to medical research. 
  • Receive regular monitoring at trial visits, including blood pressure, pulse rate, ECG, blood and urine tests, height and weight, etc.  

For further information and to discuss your eligibility with our team please complete our online form.

Register your interest for Alcohol Use Disorder clinical trials:

Please note: You may or may not benefit medically from taking part and you are able to opt-out at any time and do not have to give us a reason for doing so. Your GP will be informed about your participation and all medical assessments that will be carried out as part of the trial. If during screening any abnormal results are found, you and your GP will also be informed.